Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 3

Day 3- Your first love

Love I feel is a term that is thrown around so much. I love candy, being outside, my TV shows, and so many other things in life. I love and care for many people in my life but I feel my love for my friends and family are different then the love I have for a certain person.  Love for a person means more to me now then it did when I was 6, 16, 26, etc.  Warning... this is going to be moushy so don't read further if you don't want to hear it.

My first love is for my husband Frank. I say it is my first love because it is the first time that I have been in love with someone that I can honestly say it is nothing but appreciated, returned, and never taken advantage of. My husband loves me the way I am, on my good days and bad days, always has my back on issues, and is never ever takes advantage of my kindness. To show Frank that he is my first love I make sure to tell him every morning that he is my one and only love. I would not be the woman I am today without the love I have for him, the love he has for me, and the wonderful marriage we have together. I would do anything in the world for him as he would for me. The best day of my life was our wedding day. Thank you Frank for being my first and only true love!

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